Kommunevegdagene 2020

Kommune har skiftet ut over 5000 lysarmaturer

Bærum kommune har skiftet ut ca. 5 000 gamle og ineffektive kvikksølvarmaturer, og fått på plass et nytt og fremtidsrettet system for styring av disse

27. februar 2020

Tanker om fremtiden

Vann i skyen?

08. november 2017

Status - UU Fornebu

17. november 2015

Skjærgårdstjenesten i Grimstad

Fjerner opptil 2 tonn med søppel hver dag

05. august 2015

8.-10. juni 2015, Rotorua, New Zealand

Creating sustainable unsealed roads by continuous compaction whit grader attached roller

Paul Herbison has worked as a Civil Engineer for 30 years with building diffrent sorts of roads in countries like New Zealand, Australia, China, Fiji and United Kingdom.
In his presentation he talk about and show the results of compaction of unsealed roads jusing continuous roller compaction. This can have a dramatic effect on a whole network, by being able to spend that money om other areas, especially so in current tough financial conditions. 

10. juni 2015

8.-10. juni 2015, Rotorua, New Zealand

Intergrating preformence measures into States transportation planning process.

Matthew Hardy is the Program Director for Planning and Policy at the American Association of State Highway an Transportaision Official.

10. juni 2015

Feedback - test

Her skal det testes

17. april 2015